Kendra S01E5

Haha..det här avsnittet får ni inte missa..världens roligaste snubbe är med hehe

P&K Alexiia

Girls Next Door S01E4-Vegas


Sorry hittade bara den här =(

P&k Alexia

Kendra-S01E4-Lust In America

Girls Next Door-S01E3-Happy Birthday Kendra

Vem Gör Det Bäst??

"The Girls Next Door" brudarna Holly, Kendra och Bridget...Har ju varit på omslaget av playboy för inte så längesen...

Vilket omslag tycker du är snyggast??Vem av brudarna gör det bäst??

Jag gillar såklart Kendras...Fast jag tycker faktiskt att alla tre gjorde riktigt bra ifrån sig...Alla 3 omslag är skitsnygga.


P&K ALexia

The Girls Next Door S01E02-The New Girls In Town

Här kommer 2 avsnittet av "Girls Next Door" säsong 1...

Det kommer 2 nya tjejer som ska provplåtas...Även den stora festen.. "Playmate of the year"året då Tiffany Fallon vann

P&K Alexiia

Kendra S01E02- The Ex-Files!

2 Avsnittet av Kendra...LOOOVE IT

P&K Alexia

The Girls Next Door S01E1-Meet The girls

Avsnitt 1 Säsong 1...The Girls Next Door

Man får träffa dom 3 flickvännerna...


P&K Alexia

Kendras Theme SOng!

Kendra har ju nu flyttat ut ur Playboy Mansion...elr ja det var väl ett tag sen...

"Kendra" hade premiär 7 Juni på kanalen E!

Men äntligen har hennes egna show "Kendra" dragit igång...Ingen är lyckligare än jag...Det tråkiga är att det sänds på kanalen E!...Why??? ...Men jag hoppas att det även kommer dyka upp på 3:an elr 5:an så man kan få se showen..

Nu när det är olagligt att ladda ner så är det väldigt svårt att få tag på serier som denna..Samt senaste säsongerna av "Girls Next Door" och även andra vi får hoppas att det går riktigt bra för Kendra så att vi andra som inte har kanalen E! Kan få se henne och allra helst vill man ju att den kommer ut på DVD...

Jag hittade klipp på ...Från avsnitt 1 ..Vet inte om det är hela avsnittet..Men jag lägger upp det i nästa inlägg...

Jag gillar verkligen hennes intro...elr vad det nu heter...Det passar hennes perfekt...diggar låten...Hennes skratt i slutet är klockrent ju...

Vad tycker ni?? Har ni sett Kendras nya program?...

Bridget & Kendra Intervjuar varandra i Us Weekly!

The Girls Next Door stars Bridget Marquardt, 35, and Kendra Wilkinson, 23, interview each other in Us Weekly on everything from cravings ("I'm addicted to nonfat caramel macchiatos from Starbucks!" admits Marquardt) to wedding plans (Wilkinson is saying "I Do" to Philadelphia Eagle Hank Baskett on June 27). Check out Us Weekly's exclusive chat with Hugh Hefner's exes (who are also featured in new book The Girls Next Door: Up Close and Personal) below:

Bridget Marquardt: Kendra, just think of me as Barbara Walters okay?

Kendra Wilkinson: Noooo!

BM: Okay, okay. Who else could I be? Oh! I'm an ESPN reporter.

KW: No, no! Who's that chick?

BM: I'm Robin Meade from CNN.

KW: Oh, she's hot!

BM: Yeah she is! Okay, I'm Robin Meade from CNN and [in a serious 'reporter' voice] I need to know what do you eat in a typical day? Do you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, all three? Do you snack in between?

KW: [Kendra gets nervous and starts laughing] Wait! Wait! Can I get Bridget back please?

BM: Okay, okay. What did you have for breakfast this morning?

KW: For breakfast this morning, I had Cheerios, soymilk and a bowl of fruit with strawberries, bananas, apples and oranges. And I had coffee.

BM: Do you typically have breakfast?

KW: Every day. It feels so weird to me if I don't have that.

BM: I thought you used to have apples and peanut butter in the morning?

KW: I do! I have peanut butter because I have apples in my fruit bowl, I dip it in peanut butter. So bowl of fruit with apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries and coffee. What about you?

BM: I don't eat breakfast. I have coffee with a little bit of vanilla creamer in it and that's my breakfast. I'm not hungry typically when I wake up in the morning so my first meal of the day is lunch and it's usually a late lunch. I get hungry later in the day.

KW: Really?

BM: I have lunch around 1:30.

KW: I'm all, "Really?" I know this because I see your trays in the hallway (laughing).

BM: I don't eat lunch until 1:30 or 2 and then that varies. I'll either go out to lunch if I have a meeting, or I'll eat at the mansion. I'm hooked on BLTs all of a sudden. I love to have a BLT.

KW: Me too! I love BLTs! I love BLTs with cheese and chips in it! I could seriously eat a sandwich, I could just have a toasted sourdough with chips in it, and I'll be fine. That'll be my sandwich.

BM: That's yummy. Is that what you typically eat for lunch?

KW: Yeah, I love the crunchiness. I need, like, bacon or something crunchy in my sandwich. I love it! I've been addicted to bacon lately!

BM: You know what other food I'm addicted to? Peppercinis.

KW: Ugh, I don't like peppercinis anymore. I used to love them but not anymore.

BM: No, I love them! I could open up a jar and spoon them out. I love 'em!

KW: Ew, really?

BM: But they're good with some salami, or some crackers or some cream cheese.

KW: I'll eat them in my Olive Garden salad, but other than the Olive Garden salad, I don't like them really.

BM: What about dinner?

KW: Dinner? See, I'm not a big dinner person.

BM: See, I'm opposite.

KW: See, I am completely opposite. In the morning, I'll have an Egg McMuffin.

BM: Oooh, I do Egg McMuffin! I do them for lunch.

KW: Egg McMuffin, I have every day of my life. I have to have an Egg McMuffin.

BM: What do you put on it?

KW: I don't go to McDonald's to get it. I make my own -- so instead of regular bacon, I put turkey bacon. I use turkey bacon and I put egg whites to make it healthy. I put American cheese and they have this really good English muffin. Put it together and you put some "Slap Yo' Mama" on it.

BM: What is that?

KW: It's a seasoning from down South. It's a down-South seasoning.

BM: I don't know about "Slap Your Mama," but I do the McMuffin's too and I do egg whites, American cheese and I do regular bacon, but not too crispy. I don't like it to be all petrified and hard as a rock. But I don't want it not cooked either, so somewhere in between.

KW: I have to have one of those a day.

BM: What is your favorite snack?

KW: The Hot Cheetos, yeah. Flamin' Hot Cheetos, they've always been my favorite. If you know my friends down in San Diego, they always....

BM: Wait, what happened to the Cool Ranch Doritos? You were always begging for those everywhere we went?

KW: I love Cool Ranch Doritos and I used to love, love, love the Tabasco Cheez-It's.

BM: Oh yeah! But you burned yourself out. You'd eat, like, 10 boxes in one week.

KW: I burned myself out. I ate 10 boxes in one week and I'm done with those now. I am back to Hot Cheetos. I have always been a Hot Cheetos girl. What about you?

BM: Sometimes in the morning, if I do get a little bit hungry before I'm ready to have lunch, I'm addicted to those granola bars. The natural ones!

KW: Those are good.

BM: Oh my gosh! I take them on the Travel Channel with me. I take those with me when we're doing the Travel Channel show and I have a whole bag. My assistant carries those and beef jerky.

KW: I love beef jerky! Me and you have the same taste.

BM: Do you count calories?

KW: I don't even know what a calorie is. I don't give a f--k what calories are. I don't go by calories. I go just by portions, and we're both very active so we really don't need to worry about that. And me and you, we're the same. We want to live our lives. We have one life to live. Why not live it and eat what you want? But be smart about what you it. It's all common sense. I don't think you need to be on any special diet.

BM: It has to be something you can maintain for the rest of your life.

KW: Exactly.

BM: Otherwise, it sets you up to fail.

KW: It does, they do. They really do. I really don't believe in diets. You stress yourself out. You'll have extra stress on you. "Oh my god, pizza! But I can't eat it!"

BM: You can eat anything you want but in moderation. Diet is a bad word. You can't keep that up the rest of your life. And you're always going to set yourself up for failure.

KW: Yeah, the word "diet" is stupid and it sucks and I don't believe in it.

BM: And I definitely don't count calories either. Sometimes, I'll look just in case something that I thought might be good for you. for instance, those granola bars. Sometimes I'll look to see how many calories they have, and some might surprise me and it's, like, 3000 calories in that or something. I'd be like, "Whoa! I won't eat those as much." If it only has 100 calories, then I know I'm okay eating a few of these. OK, what about alcohol? Do you worry about the calories in that and how it affects your weight?

KW: See, I've given up liquor.

BM: What!

KW: 100% liquor. I don't drink liquor anymore. I'm a wine and beer person. Straight up wine and beer. I don't drink liquor anymore. It's disgusting to me now. I've lost the taste for it. So yeah now I have to worry about calories.

BM: I'm so sorry about that!

KW: Wine and beer are two fattening things.

BM: Well, light beer. Make sure you drink light beer. Well, I don't worry about the calories in alcohol. I like to have a glass of wine at night before I go to bed. A glass a red wine. With the Travel Channel show, I'm constantly going out and trying local favorites, whether it's the Sangria or the different wines in the area and stuff. Even at the mansion, I drink quite a bit. So I totally love it.

KW: Well, as you know, I stopped drinking soda five years ago. I cannot drink soda.

BM: Yeah, I have to have at least one soda a day.

KW: I will not pick up any soda and drink it. I hate soda. Soda is nasty.

BM: I know, you won't even mix it with anything, like with alcohol or anything. Even before you quit.

KW: Red Bull is the only thing that I consider soda that I drink. That's it. What energy drink do you like?

BM: I don't really drink energy drinks too much.

KW: I don't know why. I love just pounding Red Bull.

BM: I'd rather just go get a coffee, I'm addicted to Starbucks. Grande Nonfat Caramel Macchiato is my favorite. And then I'm addicted to the new McDonald's iced coffee, sugar-free vanilla. I love! I've been through the drive-thru three times just to get the iced coffee.

KW: Yeah, you and Holly both pound that coffee! I can only drink coffee once a day, and that's with my breakfast. I only drink my coffee black. Just black.

BM: I'd rather get a headache than drink it black. I hate all that sugar. I'm not a sugar person. That's why I'm like, sugar-free vanilla. Nonfat, that kind of thing. How often do you eat junk food?

KW: I eat junk food every day.

BM: I do too!

KW: If I have the chance, I love going to CVS or Walgreens because I like to go in there and go to the chips section.

BM: You're a chip-aholic!

KW: I love chips! I always grabs all these different chips and I open them all up in my car on the way home and I'm like, "Ah!"

BM: Well I will cruise through the drive-thru at McDonald's, and I get the cheeseburgers, but I get them with no meat and no onions.

KW: No meat! Burgers with no meat?

BM: Yeah, but it's like the cheese and the mustard and the ketchup and the pickles on the bread and it's so good!

KW: That's so weird!

BM: Or Taco Bell! Sometimes I sit in the drive-thru and I can't decide what I want to order because I'm like in love with the Enchirito, I love the Mexican pizza, but I love the tacos too. Or I love the quesadilla. I can't decide. And especially if I want the Enchirito or the Mexican pizza, those are two big things so it's hard.

KW: I like the Chalupa from Taco Bell.

BM: Yeah, the Chalupa is good. See I can't even go there with it because I love it but it's not one of my very favorites.

KW: See, I got burnt out on that too. As a kid, everyday after high school, I would go to Taco Bell and eat it every day so I got burnt out on Taco Bell.

BM: You know what I love too? Taco Bell mild sauce, and I always ask for lots of it, and I load it up in my bag.

KW: So what's your favorite type of food?

BM: Oh no, it's too hard to pick. It depends on my mood. I love Italian, I love Mexican, I love Chinese, I love Japanese. I love American. I'm sure I'm forgetting some. I love all of them. When did you start to worry about your diet? Like, "Oh I need to start eating healthier?"

KW: You know when!

BM: I do know when. Do you want me to tell it? I won't say it that bad, I'll just give the rundown. We're on our way to a wedding [about four years ago] with Hef in the limo. Holly was in the wedding. At first, you were like, "Oh I need to start working out. I'm getting kind of fat." And Hef said, "Yeah, there's a gym downstairs."

KW: Yeah, Hef, out of all people, said that to me.

BM: Yeah, "There's a gym downstairs, and you have to be careful with out kitchen."

KW: And I'm like, [imitates wailing]. I was crying so bad!

BM: I would've too. That was so mean.

KW: I was, like, crying.

BM: And then you got super skinny and super toned. And you became like, fitness girl!

KW: Well, before I became to the mansion, I was a soccer player. But then when I came to the mansion, and you know how this is, we have every food, any food that we can ask for.

BM: Twenty-four hour kitchen, anything we want. Any time of the day.

KW: I was binging. I was just eating nonstop. And you! Look at your body!

BM: I started doing trapeze. And now with the Travel Channel, I'm active with everything. I'm cliff-diving, bobsledding and climbing up Dunns River Falls [in Jamaica] and all kinds of crazy stuff.

KW: So you're not just at the gym.

BM: Yeah, it's the best way to workout when you can just have fun with it.

BM: Kendra, do you have any tricks about watching your diet? Do you not eat after a certain time? Or do you do anything weird? Any rules or anything for yourself?

KW: No. I try to get in the gym at least once a week. Not really the gym, because I hate the gym. I try to stay outside. I try to just run around and keep busy. Be busy by being fun busy is also good.

BM: Well I try not to eat too late. I definitely think about it. If it's getting ten, eleven o'clock and I haven't had dinner yet, I start thinking, "Oh crap, I better hurry up and eat 'cause it's starting to get really late and I don't want to have dinner at midnight." But I'll do it. Or if I'm out drinking and we want to stop by Jack-in-the-Box, I'm down for that kind of stuff. I don't really follow it too much. But I definitely do modifications. I feel like you can eat whatever you want. Instead of three scoops of ice cream, just have one scoop of ice cream.

KW: Yeah, just the taste of it is all that matters. Your eyes are bigger than your stomach. My eyes are. Sometimes, I just eat, eat, eat, eat. I eat so fast. I remember [a friend] at the mansion one time said, "Just take a couple seconds and let it just go down."

BM: Yeah, let it digest. Speaking of the mansion, what's your favorite food at the mansion. What do you think about mansion food?

KW: My favorite food at the mansion would just have to be the Olive Garden salad. I mean, I swear. I eat that Olive Garden salad with eggs and cheese in it and a smoothie. I love smoothies! Just a natural smoothie with no added anything to it. I just like strawberries, bananas and orange juice. I don't add milk to it or anything. Just fruit and it's good because it boosts your immune system. And carrot juice is actually a big thing that I drink when I go to Jamba Juice.

BM: What's the most extreme thing you've done to lose weight? I know what it is! Well, maybe I don't. But I think I know one thing.

KW: The most extreme thing I did to try and lose weight would probably be...?

BM: Well, I don't know if what I was going to say is actually to lose weight or if it was just more energy -- but I think that it was that Red Line.

KW: Oh, Red Line! I was addicted to Red Line. Not the drink, not the pills, but the syrup. Every morning, I would take a shot of it and that would be like, "Oh! Oh!" I was on crack. That made me lose so much weight so fast! I had no appetite. I was just nuts!

BM: But not in a good way.

KW: No. I was stressed. I lost too much weight, too fast. Yeah, what about you?

BM: I feel like I haven't really done too many extreme things except for maybe going to Barry's Bootcamp. That's a pretty extreme workout.

KW: That's extreme because I can't do that s--t.

BM: Really? I was able to do it and I did it for a long time but the thing of it is, I feel like it didn't make changes to my body the way I wanted it to like trapeze does.

KW: Yeah, you said doing the Santa Monica stairs.

BM: It didn't help me either. I enjoy doing them. I take it back, I hate doing the stairs. But the stairs [in Santa Monica] beats going to the gym. Yeah, I didn't feel like it made big changes in my body. That's the thing I've noticed, you have to find what works for you personally. Because the stairs might work incredibly well for somebody, but even though it's major cardio for me, I don't see a difference in my body.

KW: I think with you and the trapeze, it works so well because you're doing all this upper body stuff. It's not just doing the legs, it's a full on body. It's not just the legs. I think that's what really works for you. You look the best I've ever seen you.

BM: What are your secret diet and workout tips when you need to lose a few pounds? For like a photo shoot or something?

KW: I do a 22-minute drill on the treadmill. It's fast, but it does the trick. I do it at a 15 percent incline. I do it all the way up. It just hits that spot. And just taking a big bar, or big weight, and doing a couple squats and just doing regular sit-ups and I'm done. Did you say just before a photo shoot? For me, I think drinking a lot of water the day before and if I have a little time to do it, maybe a lot of protein and not so many carbs. Like I'm trying. If this photo shoot means so much to me and I really have to try hard, that's what I'll do. What's your normal workout?

BM: When I'm home, it's trapeze, of course. Or I like going on hikes.

KW: And you have your own trapeze bars and stuff?

BM: Yeah, trapeze bars at the mansion. But while I'm on the road with the Travel Channel, it's harder though so I try to keep it active. We're doing all kinds of things from climbing things.

KW: Talk to me about trapeze: Were you scared at first? What changes do you see in your body ever since you've seen it?

BM: When I first started trapeze, you came with me. And I loved it! I was definitely scared though. Then, CBS had a new show called "Secret Talents of the Stars" and they asked me if I wanted to be a part of that doing trapeze because they saw it on Girls Next Door and I was like, "Yes I'd love to!" They had me 30 feet up in the air and I'm kind of scared of heights, and I had to flip off backwards and I was really nervous. But once I did it, I felt so liberated and felt like I could do anything. I noticed so many differences in my body. I was toning up and my stomach was getting flat and I was just getting smaller but in a healthy way. I love the feeling I get when I do it. Have you ever had a trainer?

KW: I have. And I love having a personal trainer, but I believe you only need a personal trainer for so long just to kick your butt a little bit and to show you the ways of working out. After that, it's a waste of money because you can do it on your own.

BM: You have to be motivated enough to push yourself.

KW: And not everybody has that.

BM: Find somebody you can work out with. Speaking of working out with somebody, do you ever work out with Hank? Does he give you the football routine?

KW: Yeah. Actually, he's the one who taught me the 22-minute drill. On his off-season, we're going to work out together and do the whole thing.

BM: Are you going to be able to keep up with him?

KW: Yeah, he's a really fast runner. We already have plans on working out together. I want to do his workouts. I think when I hit the beach and run dunes. Thank god I know how to throw a football so we can throw a football. I can throw a football out to him since he's wide receiver so we'll do those drill together. It'll be cool.

BM: That'll be fun. Oh my god, he's going to put you through the biggest workout of your life! Talk about working out with Hef.

KW: Hell no. His biggest workout is what he's doing tonight, walking around Disneyland.

BM: What body part are you most proud of?

KW: My body part that I'm most proud of is my legs.

BM: Me too! I think my legs.

KW: We both have a great set of legs.

BM: They're totally different. Yours are more athletic.

KW: And yours are long. What about your feet? You love your feet!

BM: No, I don't love my feet. Other people love my feet. I have the longest toes in the world. Kendra, tell me about your wedding. What's going on?

KW: I'm waiting for Hank to come down here when he's done with his football and help me plan the wedding.

BM: It's going to still be at the mansion, right?

KW: Yeah, we're going to do our thing and walk it. We're going to choose together, you know? We might do something in San Diego. We're still thinking about it. He's never really been to L.A. so he's going to be with me and we're going to walk the grounds. We're going to walk to places and choose together where we're going to get married. Do everything together. I'm bringing him to the mansion.

BM: And you choose your colors, right? They're still going to be pink and white?

KW: Oh my god! Ever since we got engaged, I've been switching colors. I keep saying pink and white, but then I look in magazines, and I'm like, "Oh my god, look at midnight blue and white!"

BM: Yeah there are some amazing colors.

KW: I know, they're so good! So are you still happy with Hef? Do you want kids someday? Those two are in the wrong.

BM: I'm still happy at the mansion, but I am moving on. I mean you and Holly are gone. There are all new girls and the vibe is definitely different. My career with the Travel Channel is definitely where I want to focus and so I feel like it's time to move on. I've definitely started packing. My relationship with Hef is still really good and we talk all the time. We're very open about it, but I feel like it's time for me to start dating and to move on. And I definitely want kids some day so I feel like now is a good time to make the transition. Focus on the Travel Channel.

KW: We should all have kids at the same time.

BM: We could have a baby shower together!

KW: We'll name our show The Kids Next Door.

BM: I like it.

KW: Yeah. Okay Bridget, when do you feel most beautiful?

BM: That's a tough one because I have different moods. Sometimes I feel most beautiful when I've got done with a really great workout and no makeup and just natural and fresh but I just did something really great. Another time, I feel most beautiful when I'm all dolled up and getting ready to do some big event. I think I feel most beautiful when I've done a trapeze routine or something like that. Self-confidence is so much of it. What about you?

KW: I feel most beautiful when Hank's eyes are on me.

BM: You're giving me chills!

KW: Done! Done!

Text och bilder: Lånad av Us weekly

P&K Alexia

Skabbigt Beteende!

Som många av säkert vet så är jag ett stort Girls Next Door fan...Och Kendra är lätt min favorit...Hon är snygg, rolig och lite mer tomboy än girlie-girl....Dock hittade det här videoklippet på blev faktiskt äcklad...Förstår inte hur man kan ha så lite respekt för sig själv att man står och dansar så på en nattklubb...Okej, om du gör det för din kille HEMMA...Men inte på krogen...Det är inte sexigt alls, utan ÄCKLIGT och skabbigt...

Vad tycker ni???Vare sig ni är Kendra-fans elr ej så vore det kul att höra vad ni tycker om brudar som beter sih såhär...

Kendra S01E1-Un rappin

Kendra har ju nu sitt eget program...Och här är det första avsnitet från hennes serie...Du kan se Kendras program på kanalen E!...Hahaha... det här avsnittet är riktigt roligt ...Kendra åker och handlar mat..På sitt sätt haha...

P&K Alexiia

Kendras Möhippa!


Vet ni vad det är för dag idag? Ja, lördag såklart..Men inte vilken lördag som helst...Utan en väldigt stor och speciell dag för K-Dub herself....Idag gifter sig Kendra med hennes prins...Hank Baskett...
Vi visste alla att den här dagen skulle komma...Men inte så här fort..Känns som att det var igår som man fick veta att Kendra träffat en kille och flyttat ut ur mansionet..och bytt Hef's famn mot en betydligt yngre mans armar , Hank Baskett...En rejäl sportfåne, precis en sån Kendra behöver eftersom hon själv är väldigt aktiv och älskar sport...Hahah...

Kendra är ju ett stort fan av det laget han spelar i "The Eagles"..Som ni som sett "Girls Next Door" säkert vet..Så rätt coolt  att hon ska gifta sig  och skaffa barn med en därifrån=)...Så allt jag har att säga är ..Vart är Eminem?(Jag är ett stort Eminem fan) =D...

Dock har Kendra sagt att hon är lite nervös eftersom dom ska gifta sig och redan har ett barn på  väg utan att ens ha bott ihop...Alltså haft nått gemensamt...Ja, vi får väl se hur det går helt enkelt...Men dom är väldigt söta ihop, tycker ni inte det??? =)

Dock blev det ingen dricka för hennes del eftersom hon väntar en liten krabat...

Bröllope kommert äga rum på Playboy mansion..Hon ska ha sex brudtärnor...2 av dom är Holly och Bridget...Hennes bror ska "walk her down the aisle"..

Det var Bridget som fixade möhippan och ska även fixa hennes "Babyshower"..Som amerikanerna har när nån ska ha barn..har vi i Sverige det??det har jag faktikst noll koll på...
Och det verkar som att det är en liten pojke...

Enligt Bridget så var det två oanständiga lekar på möhippan...

Ena var en annan version av "Hela havet stormar"
Medans musiken spealde så skickades en dildo runt som man skulle hålla mellan benen.,.Och den som höll den kvar när musiken slutade spela..Åkte ut...Har Bridget sagt till "The National Ledger"..

Och den andra var att när man gav Kendra sin present så var man tvungen att berätta om när man blev av med vem, var, när och hur det var...

Här är lite bilder och så från hennes möhippa hon hade förra veckan..Som hölls på nattklubben Guys and Dolls nightclub...

(skrivet på 27/6-09)

Bridget var såklart med och fira

P&K Alexia

Kendras Bröllop!

Ja, som många av er säkert vet så gifte sig ju Kendra Wilkinson med NFL- stjärnan Hank Baskett...Så nu är Kendra, Kendra Baskett...

Ja, Kendras liv har verkligen varit en dröm sen 18/19 års ålder...Då hon jobbade som painted girl på en av Hefs fester på Playboy Mansion...

Och ni som har tittat på det...Vet ju att hon älskar sport...Så ja, kunde hon ha hittat nån bättre att gifta sig med, knappast...
Tycker att dom är väldigt söta ihop..

Dom gifte sig 27 Juni på playboy Mansion..Hon hade 7 brudtärnor...2 av dom var Holly och Bridget..Hennes bror lämnade över henne...

P&K Alexiia

The Girls Next Door på

Har ju en blogg om Girls Next Door brudarna... Men orkar nog inte hålla på med den bloggen längre...Lägger nog upp såna inlägg här i stället..Skriver ju ändå bara om Kendra typ..O lägger upp videos o så...

Så jag hoppas att ni som besöker den bloggen..Besöker den här istället...=)

Jag tycker att den här bilden är väldigt fin på dom..Ser så naturliga ut...Och det här är väl typ den enda bilden som gör det haha...Kendra var väl typ 19 elr till o med 18 kanske...På bilden..

P&K Alexia it out

Kolla in min blogg om Kendra, Bridget och Holly från "Girls Next Door"...Kommentera mer än gärna..
Nyligen uppdaterats med Bilder och intervju med Bridget och Kendra i Us Weekly...Samt ett nytt avsnitt från Kendras egna show...Och avsnitt 3 från Girls next Door...
Och bilder från Kendras Bröllop...


Kendras nya Show

I'm still awake..Yeah...Och faktiskt inte trött för fem öre..

Mr Big ringde vid kvart i 4 ungefär...Han trodde väl att jag sov..Han brukar tycka att  det är superkul att ringa och j*vlas bara för att han går så tidigt...Det tycker han är superkul...Men istället för djävuls skrattet så blev det en besviken röst i andra änden..Hehe, ne...det var inte så farligt...Vi pratade över en timme så...Och jag är fortfarande jätte pigg...Kl 7 har jag tid i tvättstugan..Ska bli så skönt att äntligen få tvätta och bli av med allt...Visserligen har jag en tvättmaskin i lägenheten...en liten..Men dels så får jag inte plats med så mycket där i..+ att jag gillar att tumla kläderna lite innan jag hänger upp dom...blablabla..Ointressant housewife snack =D

Så snart är det bara att ta sig upp ur sängen..och börja tvätta och fortsätta på städningen =/

Ute är det jätte mulet och disigt(hur stavas det? )...Så har svårt att tro att det blir nått toppen väder idag...Då borde det varit strålandesol nu..elr ja ni vet vad jag menar..så som en riktig sommar morgon ska se ut...Som när man var liten...

Shiit...Vad ljust det var ute inatt...Har ju somsagt varit vaken och kollat på sex and the city bland annat...Och det var verkligen ljust ute inatt...Kl 3 såg det ut som kl var 11 mitt på dagen ungefär...

Ah, just det..Kendra Wilkinson ni vet..Det blonda yrvädret från Girls Next Door elr som vissa av er känner igen som "Girls Of The Playboy Mansion"...Har ju fått en egen TV Show...Som handlar om hennes liv nu efter Playboy Mansion livet...
Man får följa henne i hennes vardag och så..Se hur hon klarar sig på egen hand(så har jag uppfattat det som iallafall) men självklart går u programmet på kanalen E!...Why, if I might ask?...Varför liksom...Varför går det inte på 3:an, 5:an elr MTV...Kanaler som istort sett ALLA har...

Elr ja, visserligen har ju inte jag heller några kanaler...har nyligen flyttat till en ny lägenhet så har inte orkat styrt med det än...Men ska fixa det snart...

Men min mamma har sån box man spelar in..även min lillebror och pappa..Så det hade jag kunnat lösa..

Jag hoppas, hoppas, hoppas ,hoppas, hoppas VERKLIGEN att hennes egna serie kommer hamna på kanal 5 elr nån annan vanlig kanal...Så jag kan se det...

Jag visste att Kendra skulle få sin egna hade inte en aning om när den skulle börja..
Men som tur var så var det en gullig tjej som kommentera på min blogg och inne på hennes blogg såg jag att Kendras show drog igång idag...=(

Kendra is shakin' her ass...I wish I could move my body like that.

En bild från kendras nya show(

XOxo Alexia

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